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LienRag boosted

USPol, Trans Rights 

Yesterday, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey had a site put up to narc on trans people in Missouri (and likely out of state, too):

However, the site doesn't do any kind of bot filtering, data validation, or even location validation (so long as you use a VPN and switch locations up!).


#HackThePlanet #BashTheFash #TransRightsAreHumanRights🏳️‍⚧️

LienRag boosted

C'est dimanche soir, faut sortir les ordures.

(ce message n'a aucune connotation politique)

I explain the joke 


But are Mastodon trumps long enough for that purpose ?

LienRag boosted


What ???????
This thread started by baseless accusations against you and you are to to thank for always replying politely and factually to those, but very few people understand that the Fediverse exist and that there is more than Mastodon.
Clearly, you cannot act like if this was not the case - most people definitely equates the Fediverse with Mastodon.

LienRag boosted

@livcomp @outeast @ct_bergstrom

Instructors almost always catch you if you smuggle a cheat sheet into class. But you can fool them every time by smuggling the information in your head; that way they can't prove a thing. I did that for years and never once got caught.

LienRag boosted

Faites tourner cet appel s'il vous plaît
(et je rappelle ce bouquin terrible de Thibault Petit, aux Arènes)

Pour un article sur les conditions de travail en ESAT, qui sera publié dans notre revue 4, on recherche des personnes handicapées ayant fréquenté ces ESAT pour témoigner sur leur parcours, leur vie, leur ressenti à ce sujet. Anonymat possible. Contact :

#handi #handicap #Crip

LienRag boosted
LienRag boosted
LienRag boosted

People who prefer ketchup over mustard are annoying because as soon as you say you like mustard, they go on and on about how much they hate it. Like, okay. You have the same flavor palette you had when you were 5 but that doesn’t mean you should insult what I put in my coffee.


Ben nous on ne savait pas non plus que tu étais une oie, comme quoi on en apprend tous les jours...


Une blague pour fonctionner doit faire reposer son élément comique ou absurde sur un univers partagé.



Pas compris ?
Les singes et les dinosaures ne sont absolument pas contemporains ?

LienRag boosted

Q: What do you call a RAM chip made in East Germany?

A: DDR memory.

LienRag boosted

Hi #histodon!
I'm a french history teacher. In one of my classes, I have a Georgian student who is learning French.
With the other students, who are French, we study humanism and Renaissance.
I would like my Georgian student to give a presentation on a Georgian intellectual or artist related to humanism or the Renaissance. Can you suggest such a historical figure?

Thanks a lot!

Un logiciel de commentaire de livres, qui fédère.
Il n'y a pas énormément d'instances par contre.

LienRag boosted

Tiens, encore une histoire de youtuber déplateformé brutalement qui perd 3 ans de travail et son futur sans explication.

Si seulement il y avait des plateformes alternatives, voire auto hébergeables, ou hébergeables chez un chaton.

Si seulement on pouvait arrêter d'envoyer son public dans les griffes des gafam sans éthique, instagram ou google ou amazon ou microsoft.

Bon, faudrait une éthique. Finalement, parfois, on est puni par là où on a péché !

Ce serait pas un truc à faire avec ?

(mes excuses si c'est quelque chose que je vous ai déjà dit)

LienRag boosted

My partner kept mentioning that he wanted coloured buttons for his #SteamDeck. After losing my fear of opening up the deck thanks to replacing fan & SSD an idea started forming for a surprise & #projects entry.

So - in secrecy - I designed a 3d printed box to create a 2 part silicone mold of the buttons (taken from my deck), cast them in epoxy resin, applied rub on letters & sealed those in with UV resin.

Really happy with the result, as is he 😊 And this is just v1, got some bigger plans 😁

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