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- ça sert à tout le monde ?
- Non, essentiellement aux producteurs de maïs, vendus sur le marché mondial…
- Donc on utilise une bonne somme d'argent public pour que quelques agriculteurs puissent pomper de l'eau dans des nappes phréatiques qui appartiennent à tout le monde, et qui alimentent aussi nos ruisseaux et rivières, dont une partie va s'évaporer dans les bassines pour faire pousser des céréales qui n'iront pas à l'alimentation des gens d'ici ? Alors que les sécheresses vont s’accentuer ?

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Dans l'explosion de transphobie (enfin de transphobie manifeste et déclarée...) à laquelle on assiste depuis quelques temps, il y a un "argument" qui revient régulièrement : les mouvements trans voudraient "changer" le sens du mot "femme".

Et au-delà de tout ce qu'il y aurait à en dire, ça témoigne surtout d'une très mauvaise compréhension de comment fonctionne le langage.

LienRag boosted

So, I bought a feature phone with KaiOS ( If I decline the Terms and conditions of the service, the phone is unusable.

What am I expected to do? Go back to the shop to have it refund?

Shouldn't the Terms and Conditions have to be accepted even before buying something? (Well I know, if it's a gift for somebody else, it is not so a good idea…)

#KaiOS #PrivacyPolicy #Privacy

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An ex army officer went to Media and said Rape is revenge for rape , he wants Kashmiri women to be raped. And this is just evening news in India . Am so disgusted by how men in powerful situations treat women like objects and I hope some country recognises how India treats its women

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LienRag boosted

Dear Amit Shah,
When you wish to carry out 'effective campaign' against #UrbanNaxals & facilitators, against 'terrorists' in Kashmir within next six months. What did you mean? Elimination? Aren't you threatening voices of dissent in India? Those who #SpeakUp for our country & it's people!
Don't be mistaken. We stand together.
We all are #UrbanNaxals. We stand in solidarity with our dissidents, against fascist and majoritarian state.


LienRag boosted

A lot of the #AcaTooters on the mental health (M.H) thread asked for the study I used, so I cannot upload the pdf here, but here's the name; "Depression among Indian university students and its association with
perceived university academic environment, living arrangements and
personal issues" by Deb et al (2015), Asian Journal of Psychiatry. It is a very small study, but that's the one I found based in India. If anyone finds more, please share. Also follow and interact on the M.H thread.

LienRag boosted

La consœur qui a assuré toute seule m'a appelée pour me raconter les consultations d'aujourd'hui chez la soeur de combat.
Elle a trouvé sa place, elle est efficace, et surtout j'ai entendu dans sa voix le plaisir de travailler avec ces enfants.
Hors hôpital, hors institution, dans notre petite salle avec nos jouets donnés, on arrive à accompagner sérieusement ces familles et on fait ce constat : quand on est libres d'exercer comme on veut on peut faire du bon boulot.

May some of our new Indian friends explain if this is a satirical site like TheOnion?
I can't tell from reading the article...

Any thought on switching to -soc ?
I have some experience of it (only as a user) and I've seen only advantages so far, no drawbacks.
And I never heard from any admin that it's harder to maintain...

LienRag boosted

Japanese women are protesting against this code of conduct at work that doesn't allow them to wear glasses. Glasses. Yes heard that right. Can you believe we have to fight for this?

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