
The 4rd leg of the starts nicely downhill on a paved separated bikeroute out of . At Località Socol the route u-turns to the left into the gravel nuisance of a hiking trail.
It becomes a bicycle route worth the name after you leave the municipality of Cortina d'Ampezzo on the former train bed to St. Vito di Cadore, and further on along the valley. Comfortable cycling with great views.

When we had to leave the former train trail through the valley cyclists start sharing the downhill road to the bottom of the valley with cars, but no worries: The neverending stream of passive mobilists is using a new strada statale (of which we did not hear much noise), and the old 51, nicely paved, was here only for our downhill fun, occasionally shared by a local car and bikers uphill. The contrary wind helped to slow down for the u-turns.

Unfortunately the fun stops here. On the remaining to land signs have been put up less frequently and only on short stretches active mobility is separated from passive. The landscape itself is interesting: the scarse flat shaped by the river , via industrial zones, along lakes. But don't be mistaken: it's hilly, with only short actually flat stretches. Day ended with good, partially dinner in .

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