If you are in and the greater Munich area today, (Apr, 21), get yourself a and join a joyous , the rally: bike convoys are going to leave from 4 meeting points in Munich as well as from , + several towns within the S-Bahn urban railway network. Find your preferred start here: muenchen.adfc.de/sternfahrt#c1

A on the will be the highlight of all routes.

@mastobikes_de @fedibibikes_de
@ADFC_Muenchen @adfc_sta


@mastobikes_de @fedibibikes_de @ADFC_Muenchen @adfc_sta

The rallye will unite for the final at from 15:30

Possibly rainy weather conditions are no excuse, so make sure your southwesters/rain protection are in shape.

April 21st, 2024

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