The alternative to gravity bins and refill stations are pre-filled returnable glasses, and some have been significantly increasing the number of these products in their shelves. The supermarkets in are among them, extending the range of their own farm products:

In , only one of formerly three is left, but fortunately the local food VG with its many organic supermarkets (and also other organic supermarket chains) allow you to buy dry food (and sweets!) in your own containers. Here's the updated 's to in town:

No paper napkins at the at in (the place notorious for the Oktoberfest beerfest) - but you can have a returnable, reusable cotton napkin for a small deposit: This festival is the best example for how easy it can be to have fun without and other unnecessary waste. Open until Dec. 23, 2023 10pm:

If you don't speak Portuguese it's not easy to find places offering in beautiful (and easily navigable) / . So I hope the following research on location proves helpful:

try hard to find new ways to survive - and those in are no exception: The nicest shop in town is about to relocate, leaving its splendid venue behind, another one is turning into a . The updated 's also comes w/ new entries, e.g. a source of fresh veges from a .

are rapidly disappearing in : Yesterday was the last day of pioneering, but now -Laden. To my knowledge there are only two left in town, plus a handful in the greater Munich region, inside the S-Bahn urban train network:

are facing hard times, notably those established in the beginning of the pandemics. Many of them are forced to close now, among them the one in 's neighbourhood of I've been frequenting weekly for the past years, and the one in . I updated accordingly.

I'm not aware of a traditional shop in , but earlier this year a equivalent opened its doors in the neighbourhood. Time for a handful of updates to the 's guide to shopping in town:

Independent are facing a hard time, although they offer both, a -free, ad-free experience, , often fairly produced and short-travelled that's good for both, humans and the planet, and the opportunity to buy just as much as needed.

If you want such friendly alternatives to survive, support their crowd-funding - for the shop in I buy most stuff at - and buy food and gifts there:

One of my favourite was located in / . Unfortunately it's gone, and I haven't found a replacement yet *). Nevertheless has new entries, among others a gorgeous and a flagship store for the (or reduced) househould.

*) Let me know if you know about one.

While I learned about another covid-19 born opening in the greater urban area Germany's second shop gave up it shop premises and is now online only. Sad.

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