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This article contains an important factual error: - Microsoft's Visual Studio Code is *not* open source, just like Google Chrome isn't. It's built on the open source VSCodium, like Chrome is built on Chromium. But neither Chrome nor VSCode is open source.

The city of #Bern wants to keep Google and Microsoft out of their schools! 🎆

Schools are experimenting with Collabora (Nexcloud), Kolab, Mahara, Mattermost and Moodle. ❤️

Some, of course, complain for the minor incompatibilities, e.g., with MS Word, but they should blame themselves for not having used Open-Standards in the first place!

Full article (in German only):

If you know other cities running similar initiatives please reply.

FuckOff #GAFAM

There are plenty in / . But where are those lively crammed and which do not only offer daily necessities, but also chit-chat and atmosphere? There are surprisingly few of them actually caring about produce. Here's my overview:

Yet again we see that anonymized location data is not really anonymous. The huge dataset in this study revealed homes, relationships and more, and originated from tracking code within apps. We strongly advise removing any unneeded apps on your phone.

@paulakreuzer Wie hast Du es denn geschafft, das FP3 benutzbar zu kriegen, ohne im initialen Setupdialog auf Accept für die Google Services drücken zu müssen? Danke Dir!

Solidarity with Rebels from,, who blockaded the entrance to a building in #Sydney today.

The German company has recently been announced as a potential partner in plans to construct one of the world’s largest coal mines in Australia.


Copenhagen, 2009. Ten years ago, a failed attempt at reaching a global climate agreement. Now we would be very happy if we had ten years more time!


Wahnsinn, alle #EndeGelände Finger haben ihre Ziele erreicht und blockieren Gruben & Schienen in der ganzen #Lausitz - Hut ab 🙌!

#AlleGegenKohle #ActNow #RebelForLife #ZeroCarbon2025 #Kohleausstieg #Klimakrise


Alle Finger haben ihre Aktionsziele erreicht💯#allegegenkohle #endegelände #climatejustice


We're proud to have so many allies in the fight to stop the sale of the .ORG domain registry. If you work with a nonprofit, join @internetarchive, @SierraClub, @girlscouts, @Greenpeace, @accessnow, @FarmAid, @Vol_of_America, and EFF in fighting back.

Am Sonntag ist es soweit: unser #adventskalender mit Tipps zur digitalen Selbstverteidigung ist wieder da!
#bookmark #gernWeitergeben
Ab dem 1. Dezember öffnet sich jeden Tag ein Türchen!
#Datenschutz #privacy #Weihnachten /f

We're calling on all web site owners to implement HTTPS by default. Here's how:

Don’t buy from Amazon. For the Holidays or ever. Unless they get their shit together, workers have a union and are treated like human beings.

Device battery low on the go? @aimee_ortiz explains how hackers can steal your data by "juice jacking" through public USB ports , and provides tips for safe charging, including:

• Carry a portable charger
• Plug in to the power outlet, not USB

« Google et Facebook sont gratuits… en théorie. En réalité, il y a un prix à payer pour utiliser leurs services : vos données personnelles. En les accaparant, ces géants du numérique menacent le respect de notre vie privée »

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