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💧 #WeltWasserTag-Demo am 22.3., 12 Uhr in Berlin 🌊

2,2 Mrd. Menschen weltweit haben keinen gesicherten Zugang zu sauberem Wasser.

Daher wirkt die Profitgier von Wintershall Dea und BASF, die mit Fracking Ökosysteme und Grundwasser verschmutzen, besonders menschenverachtend.

After almost 15 years my trusted subnotebook started to be shacky (and couldn't handle many of today's far-too-big websites in decent time). So finally a replacement: a and on which I installed .org


Here in has been in full swing for two weeks, and thanks to many opened as early as by the end of , among them fortunately also a few ones. So I started updating is an interesting blog on the topic vs. . Thanks, Katinka, for the good work

The sun is getting stronger - time to start planning what to sow on your balcony or garden patch this year:

Took some time to write up all the new food places I discovered in pleasantly -free last summer. But here's - with updates on opening hrs as far as I could get this information remotely.

No ride in today, in respect of the pandemic circumstances. Instead take a friend for a through your neighbourhood.

Economy first, second - despite all positive results of distanced performance experiments and concerts aren't seen as crucial for our state of mind as they actually are, and artists aren't cared for sufficiently during the .
If you are located in / sign in today for the contactless between Munich theatres tomorrow at 14:30, by sending an e-mail to

A recent study found that 67% of the apps played by 3- to 4-year-old children collect data and share it with third-party marketers.

Unfortunately scans sites only before they present their layer - it does not analyse what happens after you gave consent. As most consent dialogues are designed to trick you into consent to it may be only half as useful as you may think at first. @Carsten_Behrens @andreas

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