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Congress asking how to make current big tech “act better” is the wrong question. If we want alternative Googles, Facebooks, Amazons, and Apples, we need competition and antitrust.

Totalüberwachung des Luisenplatzes #Darmstadt – Kameras ermöglichen weitgehende & automatisierte Überwachung, aber keine tatsächliche Steigerung d. Sicherheit …

Interessantes Interview mit dem Techniksoziologen Felix Sühlmann-Faul über #Nachhaltigkeit und #Digitalisierung.

"Die Hostsharing eG nimmt sich direkt zwei zentralen Nachhaltigkeitsdefiziten an, die durch die Digitalisierung entstehen – Plattformmonopole auf ökonomischer Ebene und Energieverbrauch durch ständig steigende Anforderungen im Bereich des Datenflusses auf ökologischer Ebene."

#platformcoop #genossenschaft

Gmail's "confidential mode" doesn't prevent Google from seeing and storing the contents of users' emails. Doesn't sound very confidential, says EFF's @jenuhhveev

It's summer! If you are in on Sunday, June 30th take your and join the bicycle ride on the Mittlerer Ring then car-free ring road around the city centre.

Meetup 11am at the monument

New in the 's : information on how to get to and in in a way - that is by train, by and by public transport:

Spoiler: A bicycle ride over the islands confining the lagoon is both fun and relaxing as long as you put on sufficient sun protection.

Unfortunately the chain Grom stopped to promise the use of ingredients. So the days when you could be sure to get ice-cream made from organic milk are gone in / :

Unfortunately the chain Grom does no longer promise to use ingredients. So the days when you could be sure to get ice-cream made from organic milk are gone in /#Venezia:

When in / / complain to manufacturers about products leaving you with after consumation: easily done with the app. The latest version also allows you to add products to the database.

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