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On a like you want your safely stored during the night. If you prefer some comfort, have a restricted budget and do not plan fixed, conservative legs, last minute booking for the night can be a challenge. Here are my experiences for - :

@andreas Danke für's Reparieren der Instanz (und an deine Frau, dass sie in der Zeit anderes übernommen hat)

Wieso Autos Müll sind.
RT @BrentToderian
A typical European car is parked 92% of the time. It spends 1/5th of its driving time looking for parking. Its 5 seats only move 1.5 people. 86% of its fuel never reaches the wheels, & most of the energy that does, moves the car, not people.

Sound efficient?

HT @circulareconomy

Engagierst du dich in einer Garten/Farming Gemeinschaft und ihr möchtet (mehr) #OpenSource Software für eure #Organisation nutzen oder du möchtest selbst noch mehr Programme kennenlernen? Das Netzwerk Solidarische Landwirtschaft hat eine passende Liste für #Solawi, #Gemeinschaftsgärten und Menschen zusammengestellt:

"Solidarische Landwirtschaft - sich die Ernte teilen" ... und die Software auch!

🇬🇧Close majority in the EU Parliament calls on banks to prevent deforestation through harmful investments.

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🇩🇪 Hier bekommt ihr noch anonyme Prepaidkarten (in gelb, Stand 2021)
🇬🇧 In these EU countries you can still buy anonymous prepaid SIM cards (marked yellow, as of 2021)

Just had the chance to pitch my favorite privacy friendly apps to #FridaysForFuture Austria. I think we as activists should be much more careful in that regard.

Here is my full list btw:

#privacy #security #freedom #GAFAM #Google

Since I met disbelief when I announced to buy long-distance from the railway station's ticket machine: Yes, it is still possible to buy them , without personal . You can buy both, and tickets, including , and you can pay in . No need for .

Morgen beginnt die in und hat für verschiedene Workshops, Kursen und Exkursionen noch Plätze frei:
Gerne weitersagen - für Studentinnen und Erwerbslose kostenlos! Die endet am 14.9. und umfasst eine offene zu / in der / :

Do you have graphical and creative skills, you use open source software for it, and you like to create a collage of beautiful open source gardens for us? Please get in contact! Hugs and love are guaranteed <3

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This instance is specially for all the peoples who like to travel around and ever wish to show and share it with other travellers. You can use this instance totally for free. We earn no money from advertisement, we don't sell your data. We just love to travel and want to share this experience with you.