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are facing hard times, notably those established in the beginning of the pandemics. Many of them are forced to close now, among them the one in 's neighbourhood of I've been frequenting weekly for the past years, and the one in . I updated accordingly.

Ich wünsche mir eine Welt, in der niemand im Verkehr sterben muss.

Kommt alle zum #rideofsilence am 20. Mai 19 uhr Klagesmarkt in #hannover. Gerne mit weißem shirt. #vision0 #fedibikes #verkehrswende

Ride of Silence, 20. Mai | Critical Mass Hannover

Kommt zum Berliner "Ride of Silence". Wir gedenken der Radfahrenden, die im Verkehr getötet wurden.
Für ein sicheres Berlin für alle und für die #VisionZero Keine Toten und keine Verletzten mehr.
Was: Fahrraddemo (weißes T-Shirt)
Wann: Mittwoch, 17.5.2023, 19 Uhr, Rotes Rathaus

What's going to happen to the of the chain w/ shops in South Germany (most in ) and : All shops (at least in ) are being taken over by the conventional supermarket chain , making the latter a nation-wide player. Most shops are going to be converted into regular TeGut branches, starting in August 2023. Negotiatons on whether a few locations (three?) are to be continued as fully organic supermarkets are ongoing.

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9 out of 10 travellers between Stuttgart & Paris now take the train not the plane. "Huge increase in cross-border traffic as Germany's national railway expands services".

@organictraveller ich habe neue Empfehlungen für #berlin

- "#organic veggie dumplings" (kein Fleisch, 50% #vegan 50% #vegetarisch, echte Pflanzen im Laden und echtem(!) #ökostrom (Naturstrom AG) ) (Achtung mit den Öffnungszeiten)
- sehr geile vegane Bio Pfannkuchen mit Sauerkraut ( @moagee kann meine Begeisterung bezeugen) - nur, wenn Markt ist
- - toller Ort an der Spree mit viel recycle und upcycle Möbel und Bauwerken, sehr viel bio, z.B. viele Getränke oder Cafe Holzmarktperle hat bio Smoothies oder auch bio Kuchen (vegan und nicht-vegan) - hier ist immer was los

#bio #organic #organicTraveller #erneuerbareEnergien #erneuerbareEnergien

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@fedibikes_de @mastobike_de @CriticalMass @juefried I'm sorry, my hopeful weather forecast did not work out for the in tonight. But despite the pouring rain, 50+ good-humoured and a handful policemen mounted on and bikes swam bravely against the car wave, meeting a lot of amazed drivers' eyes :)

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Da heute der letzte Freitag im Monat ist, können wir das bestätigen. :blobcatcool: #lastBoost

Wir sehen uns dann ab 18:30 am Skatepark Lingnerallee, Abfahrt gegen 19:00.

Denkt an


Today, the last of a month, is day in . meet up in front of the around 6pm and start to move by 6:30pm.
Break at the monument around 8pm, to welcome latecomers. The rain will surely stop in time! Have fun!

to start from Marienplatz 6:30 pm, @juefried ?

@mastobikes_de @fedibikes_de   @CriticalMass

Heute gemeinsames #Radfahren in #Augsburg, #München, #Rosenheim und umzu : @ADFC #Sternfahrt . Route und Treffpunkte: oder #criticalmaps

#WirsindderVerkehr für Vorrang (oder überhaupt erstmal: Gleichrang) für #aktiveMobilität. Wettervorhersage: #Radlwetter, vorsichtshalber mit Regenzeug.
Freu' mich auf die #Autobahnfahrt mit Zug M2 12 Uhr am Tassiloplatz

@mastobikes_de @fedibikes_de @criticalmass
@CriticalMass #BurnFatNotOil #verkehrswende #sternfahrtmunchen

If you are in this weekend: Don't miss the @ADFC Sun, April 23: Ride your in support of better conditions for and . All starting points and route maps can be found here:

If you ever wanted to ride on an , join one of the following routes: M1-M4, A2, A3, A4, D2.

@mastobikes_de @CriticalMass

Show your city where to accelerate infrastructure projects and join tomorrow's () in (and elsewhere). meet up in front of the around 6pm and start to move by 6:30pm.
Break at the monument around 8pm, to welcome latecomers. Have fun!

to start from Marienplatz 6:30 pm, @juefried ?

@mastobikes_de @CriticalMass

Masse litteratur å finne på biblioteket. Om du er lur leser du deg opp nå, før alle oppdager at det snart er vår, da er alle disse bøkene allerede utlånt.

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The results just were released via newsletter at

1. Taking the first prize with over 60% of votes, Shell has officially been voted the worst company of 2022.

Many of you voted for Shell because of allegations of greenwashing, its reluctance to transition quickly to renewables and continued fossil fuel extraction.

However, the most popular reason given by people who participated in the vote was Shell's record-breaking profits in a time of economic crisis.

2. The company taking 2nd place is well known for its tax avoidance, workers rights abuses and destructive monopolising business strategy. Have you guessed it?

3. Nestle, Barclays, Coca-Cola, Shein, HSBC, Boohoo and Tesco were also in the top 10.


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