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@jlink I love the "red".
There is always something delicious at the buffet. I enjoy the roasted onions with vinegar or the Duchess-like potatoes. They have also "normal" things like coleslaw or cauliflower bake.
The place is 100% #vegeterian and they have great variety of #vegan and #glutenfree options - especially for the cakes!

The buffet varies on the season. The last months, there were Lamb's lettuce, beetroot, spinach salad. Before that, you could find pumpkin and in late summer they have their home-grown tomatoes for what they are famous for. But also their other ingredients are from the region. E.g. the potatoes and vegetables are from the very same palatine farmer, who often tries out different species. The "Pfälzer Rüebli" (yellow carrots) are a must-try. They taste very different, less sweet, but very aromatic. Chickpeas, lentils, potatoes can be found all year around, but always a bit different.
Additional, there is a dish of the day served until 9 pm

5 minutes before the was to depart (on time !) the clerk at the ticket counter asked me to ask the conductors. I hurried up again 2 floors (carrying the ), but to no avail: Regretably they wouldn't allow me on board. Back at the information desk they asked me to descend to the ticket office for rebooking , but I was able to persuade them to witness the issue so that I could take the next regional train. But what if it had been later during the day? 2/2

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I felt lucky that I had been able to buy a on trains for today's travel to . All went fine until I discovered on the platform at Hbf that my connecting ICE 1559 wouldn't come with bike racks. I went to the information desk which sent me to the ticket office two floors down.

While queueing there I checked .de to discover that I would have been able to buy a bike ticket for this very ICE at that very moment. @mastobikes_de @fedibikes 1/2

"In 2022, cars killed 7,508 pedestrians, the equivalent of 18 fully-loaded Boeing 747s crashing with zero survivors. That means a pedestrian died roughly every 70 minutes, with no breaks in the tide of fatalities for weekends or holidays."

Save the date: Special in on Saturday (16th March). Starting from at 11am the route will end at to join the joint / @AufstandLastGen "Away from fossile, towards fair" demonstration/ around noon.

@CriticalMass @fedibikes_de @mastobikes_de

Mind you - 's starts already this (23rd)! Meet up for a leisurely at the until 6.30 pm, or at the monument at 8pm, or find the crowd using the @criticalmaps app (from @fdroidorg ).

@CriticalMass @mastobikes_de @fedibikes_de

Time goes by, and small owner-run shops are closing. So I had to remove quite a number of shops dear to my heart from the . But there's a new entrance, too:

Seguendo le indicazioni di Google Maps nella Tasmania rurale si potrebbe incontrare questo cartello:

google si è sbagliato torna indietro

Usate Open Street Map:

e l'app Organic Map:

un'applicazione gratuita di #mappe offline per #Android e #iOS per viaggiatori, turisti, escursionisti e ciclisti. Utilizza dati #OpenStreetMap di provenienza pubblica. Nessuna pubblicità, nessun tracciamento, nessuna raccolta di dati, nessun crapware.

Following Google Maps directions in rural Tasmania and encountered this sign.

Extraordinary in honour of the late in today, Sunday 11th Feb. Meet up at at 4:30pm to join the to the ("sea of light") for and against at 6pm.
Natenom was killed by a car driver near 30th Jan, on the very road he had been lobbying to make safer for non-motorists, to no avail.
  @mastobikes_de @fedibikes_de

#latecapitalism in Charleroi airport you need a credit card to go to the bathroom

You won't need spikes for joining the in today: Put on your southwester instead! Meet up at the between 6 and 6.30 pm, or at the monument at 8pm, or find the crowd using . And although is not a political demonstration: Why not showing that you are part of the ?

@CriticalMass @mastobikes_de @fedibikes_de

Last year's tour went around , and it took some time to compile the 's going with it. But here you are, well in time before the start of the spring : a few suggestions for food places in and around:

@mastobikes_de @fedibikes_de

If you still want to have at decorated in , you have to hurry: The place is going to move to 's . Here are the latest updates to the 's guide to organic food in Trondheim:

is the season for hearty local , and it's good to see that a number of in are using ingredients. Here's a list, in good time for the traditional strong season:

The alternative to gravity bins and refill stations are pre-filled returnable glasses, and some have been significantly increasing the number of these products in their shelves. The supermarkets in are among them, extending the range of their own farm products:

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