Welcome to #CrossBorderRail Day 08. I’m heading to Strasbourg via Wingen s/Moder, then it’s on to Wissembourg, Lauterbourg and Karlsruhe - and an event there this evening

Here’s the video to start the thread today urbanists.video/w/aWyc7WGCVTSG

#CrossBorderRail Train 29

TER 86381
09:39 Saarbrücken Hbf - Strasbourg 11:25
SNCF for Grand Est (Fluo)

Distance: 115 km
Average speed: 65 km/h

Train type: 2 x X 73900 railbus
🚲: ✅ (4 places per carriage - good!)
🦽: ✅ (needs lift at some stations)
🛜: ⛔️
🧳: 🙂
🧽: 🙂

#Deutschlandticket: ⛔️ (€23,50 per person)

Having looked further - and @partim helped too - I think there’s no way to get an eTicket for this Saarbrücken-Strasbourg train #CrossBorderRail

DB ticket machines can sell you a paper ticket for €26,60, or it’s €23,50 from SNCF Connect, then collect at a French ticket machine in France

Electrify and speed up this route to 120-140 km/h and it’d be time competitive with driving…

#CrossBorderRail Train 30

TER 30522
11:40 Strasbourg - Haguenau 12:17
SNCF for Fluo Grand Est

Distance: 35 km
Average speed: 56 km/h

Train type: Alstom (now CAF) Régiolis 6 carriages bi-mode
⚡️⛽️ (⛽️ here)
🚲: ✅
🦽: ✅ (step free)
🛜: ⛔️
🧳: 🙂
🧽: 🤔 (not cleaned outside in a while)

#Deutschlandticket: ⛔️

Now arriving in Short Trousers

(I know it doesn’t mean that, but I sometimes sort of read things in the wrong language)

Haguenau has a smart new station. It also has a waiting room that’s nicer than anything in a new German station… but all the trains are diesel, the tracks aren’t in a great state, and a bunch of the trains to Wissembourg are replaced by buses… priorities!

#CrossBorderRail Bus 05

TER 400588
13:08 Haguenau - Wissembourg 14:11
Antoni Haguenau for SNCF / TER Fluo Grand Est

Distance: 32 km
Average speed: c 30 km/h

Bus type: Yutong, no idea what type
🚲: ❓(in the hold… that’s full of water)
🦽: ✅ (lift on board)
📶: ⛔️
🧳: 🤔 (luggage hold not useable because it’s full of water)
🧽: 🙂 (inside it’s v clean)

#Deutschlandticket: ⛔️

For reasons I’ll explain once I’ve sorted this issue, I’m going to shift Sunday’s #CrossBorderRail event from Görlitz to Dresden

BUT I need a venue - a cafe ideally - near Dresden Hbf, Sunday lunchtime

But the choice on a Sunday there is very limited

Have any of you been to this

Kaffeebar Chicco di caffè

How is it?

I checked the bar of InterCity Hotel but that’s closed. Better suggestions are very welcome!


@jon Das Café in der Kreuzstr. war bisher immer Sa/So 9-22 offen. Vielleicht über +49 351 4960673 überprüfen?

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