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During I realised I need a 2nd account for all the stuff I care about apart from food, , and : So here comes @trish for the part of me.

The account will continue with , , notes on and , in short: with the .

I'll unfollow some of you from this account and move you over to @trish, to keep things tidier.

With its excellent field kitchen did not drive me out in search of palatable food, and with its tightly packed, super interesting program there was no time left for anything outside the conference. But here are at least some updates to the to :

Unfortunately the fun stops here. On the remaining to land signs have been put up less frequently and only on short stretches active mobility is separated from passive. The landscape itself is interesting: the scarse flat shaped by the river , via industrial zones, along lakes. But don't be mistaken: it's hilly, with only short actually flat stretches. Day ended with good, partially dinner in .

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Two pleasant in my to / shut down during the pandemic, but there are two new places which you definitely should give a try: a beautiful with a crush for and a .
Here's the revised version:

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