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"#Climate change is a real danger"

Scientists from the movement have held a silent vigil. Their mission: To alert politicians to the climate emergency.



Consumers should not have to jump through hoops to receive compensation for serious data privacy harms.


Sweden's central bank SELLS off bonds from Canadian province over climate concerns

Sweden's central bank on Wednesday SOLD off bonds from oil-rich Canadian province of Alberta & parts of Australia because felt GHG emissions in both countries were TOO high


Thank you!


After an 11-hour meeting, the agreed an #Energy #Lending #Policy that ends our support for #fossil #fuels. A privilege to have been given the responsibility to steer this through the most extensive consultation and negotiation in the Bank’s history.



It's mid-November, the sun has already set for the winter, and the Arctic is in 24-hour darkness. But the sea ice northwest of Alaska is basically still in a state of mid-summer.

This has never happened before in recorded history.

We are in a climate emergency.


Ich finde es geradezu beschämend, wie viele Medien das rechte Framing zur "Meinungsfreiheit" übernehmen. BTW: Schon komisch, dass diejenigen, die beklagen, ihre Meinung nicht sagen zu können, sie ständig vor einem Millionenpublikum ausbreiten dürfen. 🧐

« EILT! Die Koalition will das sog. Klimapaket in rasantem Tempo durchs Parlament peitschen. Wir verklagen die Bundesregierung auf Zugang zu den Protokollen des Klimakabinetts mit einer Eilklage!
Die Klimakrise wartet nicht - und wir auch nicht: »

— Retweet


Venice floods: Climate change behind highest tide in 50 years, says mayor.

"Now the government must listen," he added. "These are the effects of climate change... the costs will be high."

Our governments must #TellTheTruth and #ActNow


Nestlé - Die Einwohner des Kurstädtchens Vittel sitzen zunehmend auf dem Trockenen: Die massive industrielle Nutzung gräbt den Anwohnern buchstäblich das Wasser ab, der Grundwasserspiegel ist dramatisch abgesunken. 👎#ShareDichDrum


Venice has not received tides like this in more than 50 years. The mayor has responded by asking for government support in coping with this catastrophe caused by climate change.
The rate of severe floodings has risen sharply in recent years.
#TellTheTruth and #ActNow


BREAKING: a federal judge has ruled that suspicionless searches of travelers’ cell phones, laptops, and other electronic devices when we cross the U.S. border are unconstitutional.

This is an enormous victory for privacy.

The east coast of #Australia is on fire & we can watch it burn from space.

An extended drought leading to the most dangerous week of #bushfires the nation has ever seen.

The #ClimateCrisis is here - when will our governments act accordingly?

#ActNow #ClimateEmergency #NSWfires


Another day of raging wildfires in New South Wales.

Staggering imagery of Australia.



Protesters in front of the German finance ministry call on to support a fossil-free lending policy for the

"Putting money in coal, oil or gas now is climate madness and economic madness," says,


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